Artwork by HoofPrints owner Gina Keesling
This is one of the all-time favorite farrier cards. It's one of the very first created, and it showcases in a somewhat humorous light the "dark" side of farriery.
Remember, this was the '80s. Horse magazines were still telling us to tie a horse's head to his tail to "teach" him to bend. In our neck of the woods it was often accepted that it was the farrier's job to figure out how to get a horse to stand still for shoeing, and sadly, those customers seemed to enjoy watching a rousing scuffle in the process. It was considered "earning your money on that one". We all know that yelling "HO!" at a difficult horse is not the most effective way to convince him to hold still, but people did it anyway. This one depicts an escalating meleé between horse and farrier with a batman-esque altercation at the end.