The Ultimate Guide to Pampering Your Horse was written by June Evers, and the first time I saw it, I must admit, the title was a bit off-putting to me. My horses have it made. They live a life of leisure, the best food, farrier and vet care, etc. If I read this book... then I might discover more things I was NOT doing for my already-pampered equines. Then I would have to feel guilty. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised. Interspersed among the goofy Birthday Party Ideas, and the Homemade Horse Treat Recipes, were practical, useful tips and hints that could be implemented by the average busy horse owner. Things like keeping a toilet brush in the barn to scrub water buckets... (and I'd been skinning my knuckles using a regular scrub brush... duh!) This ended up being a fun little book full of both silly AND useful info. It's profusely illustrated in black and white, hardcover, 168 pages. When you order this book, you'll be SUPPORTING A SMALL BUSINESS
Horse Hollow Press has been in business for 26+ years. Founder June started out life as a city girl, though she rode and took lessons from an early age. When she wasn't riding horses, she was drawing them, which eventually lead to a degree in illustration from the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design. Before the days of the internet, landing an Art Director job in New York City was considered the pinnacle of success for any designer. But June is not just any designer. She pined for the horses, and ultimately applied her talents to create products for other horse lovers. She started Horse Hollow Press in her tiny NYC apartment and hasn't looked back since.
Horse Hollow Press owner June Evers (left) with Kristen Snook Lacy of The Distance Depot at the AETA Trade Show
Along the way, she studied with renowned equine artist Sam Savitt, and published numerous books, including the one above. June's products are all made completely in the USA. She is active in equine product marketing groups; her smiling face is frequently seen at various events. Because she's a horse owner, a trained illustrator, AND an art director, her products are a virtual trifecta of horsey coolness. Correctly rendered equines are paired in elegant layouts with clever wording and perfectly orchestrated typography. It makes this horsey business owner fairly swoon...
June left the New York City apartment as soon as she could, eventually she and her husband landed in an 1810 historic home on a farm in Goshen, New York. Horse Hollow Press now resides with her horses in a massive poultry barn - converted to horse facility. How appropriate, that after all these years, June can look out of her office window and watch her horses (all rescues) graze.

Most small business owners wear many (if not ALL) of the hats needed to make things happen, and June is no exception. Here she is sporting her signature smile, while caulking her roof!
HoofPrints is proud to offer Horse Hollow Press products to our customers. Stay tuned, as there are some brand new items on June's drawing board...